Herniated Disc

Herniated Disc

What is it?

Classically, herniated discs cause pain that radiates into the arms or legs.

May be likely if

Pain radiates down buttock, leg, or arm

Classically, compression fractures occur in the back, not the neck. Pain related to compression fractures is localized over the area of injury.

Previously diagnosed with herniated disc

If you've been diagnosed with a herniated disc since the onset of your pain, then this is the most likely culprit causing your pain.

Recent trauma or injury

Even minor trauma from simple daily activities such as lifting a box or an accidental fall can be the cause.

Pain predominately localized to one side

One sided pain is a common feature of a herniated disc as the portion of the disc that herniates outside of its casing normally herniates to the right or left.

Worsening pain when bending or lifting leg

Worsening pain when bending or lifting the leg is frequently encountered with a herniated disc as the already inflamed nerve becomes even more stretched.

Potential Treatments

Epidural Steroid Injection

An epidural steroid injection is a minimally invasive procedure that relieves pain caused by agitated discs and nerves. Long acting steroid medication is injected directly on top of the injured nerve thus significantly reducing inflammation.

Conservative Management

The major conservative means of trying ot decrease herniated disc pain are rest, modified activity, medications, and stretching (if tolerated).

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