MRI Scan

3T Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) What is an MRI? MRI is a diagnostic tool that utilizes a powerful magnetic field, radio waves, and a computer to produce high quality images of internal body structures. This non-invasive procedure is regarded as an incredibly valuable tool for physicians to locate tumors and diagnose diseases as well as […]

Comprehensive Screening – Genetic Screening

Comprehensive Screening Beam Radiology is committed to offering the best available options to our patients. Part of this is examining the emerging resources and the scientific innovations that we now have access to. This includes genetic screening. Beam will facilitate the sample collection at one of our clinics, with our nursing team, and organize the […]

MRI Scan

3T Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) What is an MRI? MRI is a diagnostic tool that utilizes a powerful magnetic field, radio waves, and a computer to produce high quality images of internal body structures. This non-invasive procedure is regarded as an incredibly valuable tool for physicians to locate tumors and diagnose diseases as well as […]

The Intrauterine Assessment Program (IAP)

The Intrauterine Assessment Program (IAP) What is the IAP? The intrauterine assessment program is offered by Beam Radiology to provide imaging of the uterus before and after an intrauterine contraceptive device is inserted. This program targets the clinical challenges of delineating the typical symptoms associated with IUCD (IUD) insertions, from a patient presenting with symptoms […]

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

MSK Ultrasound What is a musculoskeletal ultrasound? Musculoskeletal (MSK) ultrasounds are an important tool in helping diagnose a variety of patient ailments. Like other ultrasounds, a transducer is used in the affected area to create real-time images. Often, dynamic movements are used while the technician is performing the ultrasound. These movements can be essential in […]

Obstetrical Ultrasound

Obstetrical Ultrasound What is an obstetrical ultrasound? Obstetrical ultrasounds or fetal ultrasounds are an extremely important diagnostic imaging test used during a woman’s pregnancy. This exam is critical in examining the uterus and placenta, as well as the fetus in its entirety. Early obstetrical ultrasounds focus on the location, size, and number of pregnancies, whereas […]

Abdominal Ultrasound

Abdominal Ultrasound What is an abdominal ultrasound? Ultrasound utilizes a transducer to send and receive sound waves, and this information is used to create a real time image. As a result of this ability, and the safe application of sound waves (ultrasound), ultrasound is a leading diagnostic tool. There is no radiation associated with ultrasound. […]

Pelvic Ultrasound

Pelvic Ultrasound What is a pelvic ultrasound? Ultrasound utilizes a transducer to send and receive sound waves, and this information is used to create a real time image. As a result of this ability, and the safe application of sound waves (ultrasound), ultrasound is a leading diagnostic tool. There is no radiation associated with ultrasound. […]

Kidney and Bladder Ultrasound

Kidney and bladder Ultrasound What is a renal ultrasound? Ultrasound utilizes a transducer to send and receive sound waves, and this information is used to create a real time image. As a result of this ability, and the safe application of sound waves (ultrasound), ultrasound is a leading diagnostic tool. There is no radiation associated […]

Breast Ultrasound

Breast Ultrasound What is a breast ultrasound? Diagnostic breast ultrasound is an ultrasound of the breast tissue used to investigate a specific concern, new breast symptom, or as a supplement to another screening exam such as mammography. The ultrasound provides imaging of the internal breast tissue by using a transducer and ultrasound gel, just like […]